Helping Veterans
Often those who were the first to answer our nation’s call for help are among the last to seek help when they need it. Because of their unique and often traumatic experiences during their service, veterans frequently have special needs at the end of life. The emotional and spiritual components of hospice care can be especially meaningful to those who served our country so valiantly. However, like 90% of all Americans, most veterans don’t know that hospice support can begin months before death.
At Ambercare, we focus on the veteran population and are committed to providing compassionate care to terminally ill veterans and their families. We understand the selfless service and sacrifices that our veterans made while serving our country. At the center of our care is our pledge to provide comfort and support at the end of life.
More than 1,800 veterans die every day – approximately 1 in 4 of America’s total deaths. We routinely provide care for a large number of veterans. Our care professionals have received specialized training in the areas of veterans’ needs specific to their culture, mental health issues and benefits as well as providing special recognition for veterans on our service. Our Volunteer Program also includes additional training for veteran services and we actively recruit veterans as hospice volunteers. Additionally, we provide outreach and education to veteran groups and community providers to increase awareness and earlier access to hospice care for veterans.